What Algae Likes and How You Can Control It.

Frank’s reads his “If I Were An Algae” poem, and discusses what algae likes and how you can control it.




Well if I were an algae

I would pick the perfect pool

There would be lots of sunshine

And it would never be cool

I’d like the warmer water

It gives me special powers

I can double in numbers

Every three to four hours

I’m a photosynthesizer

It takes sun to make me grow

And I eat carbon dioxide

That’s dissolved in H 2 O

This raises the pool P H

And makes the water more base

That makes chlorine even weaker

And I can take up more space

There would be many dead spots

Places where water don’t move

I can relax in the sun

And get into my groove

I also love pitted plaster

And it is my safest place

Even if you brush it well

You’ll probably still leave a trace

I love me some organics

Phosphates are my favorite food

Gives me chills for multiplying

It puts me into the mood

I am very much like a plant

When you feed them compost

So dead leaves and plant stuff

For me is like taters and roast

I really like low chlorine

Seven point five percent of CYA

Kills me faster than I grow

So it makes me go away

And please don’t add borates

It makes multiplying real hard

It takes one third less chlorine

To put me in the grave yard

And please do not use copper

To me it can be a real pain

And if water gets unbalanced

It might leave pretty green stains

So let your water go bad

Don’t even bother to test

Let the balance go crazy

And give the chlorine a rest

We all love beauties of nature

So think before you respond

Don’t you want your pretty pool

To look like a green pond

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Do you have a pool question for Frank? You can email him at [email protected]. He just might read and answer your question on air!