These are two options you may use that fit in most round skimmers. The Skim Pro and Flowskim skimmer baskets.
44 Second Pool School with Frank – Managing Winter Pump Schedules #16
We get asked a lot in the winter about what to do with pump schedules. You typically do not need to turn the pool over as much, but we still want to turn it over at least one or two times, depending on the pool.
44 Second Pool School with Frank – Managing Chlorine In The Winter #15
Most damage done to pools from bad water chemistry id one during the winter.
Ep 131. Rats In Heaters, Skimmer Doors, and Variable Speed Pumps With Inline Chlorine Feeders
Frank and Jacque discuss a few topics he has seen in the field over the last few weeks. Rats in pool heaters, weir door (skimmer doors), variable speed pumps and low flow chlorine feeders, salt systems, and air in pumps.
Ep 130. Cooling Your Pool and Choosing a Pool Service
Frank and Jacque discuss different ways to cool your pool in the summer heat and thoughts on choosing a pool service company.
Ep 129. Algae, How To Prevent and Kill Algae In Your Pool
Frank and Jacque discuss preventing and killing algae in swimming pools. As the water warms up and pools are getting used more, algae is becoming more of a problem
Ep 128. Critters 3. How to Deal With Some Insects and Animals In and Around Your Pool
It’s always one of our favorite episodes. Frank and Jacque discuss how to deal with some of the insects and animals in and around your pool and equipment.
Ep 127. Pool Equipment High Water Damage and Managing Severe Weather In Your Pool
Frank and Jacque discuss many of the weather issues they have been facing with all of the severe weather this spring. High water level damage in equipment areas, wash-in into pools, stain treatment and prevention after flooding.
Ep 126. How Much Chlorine, Borates, And Metal Stain Removal and Prevention
Frank is solo and discusses some issues brought up in FB groups and listener questions. He dives deep into how much chlorine you should keep in your pool, the benefits of borates, and metal issues and how to prevent them.
Ep 125. How Long to Run Your Pump and Filter Safety
Frank and Jacque discuss the logic in filter pump run schedules and some safety warnings about filters.