Listener questions are back. Cover or no cover? I’m on borates, what do I do for the winter? I’m building a pool, what questions do I ask?
Ep 42. What is Plaster Start-Up
How important is proper plaster start-up, and what exactly is plaster start-up
Ep 41. Getting Ready For Winter
Getting ready for winter. Frank and Jac discuss some of the things you can do to make your pool offseason a little better.
Ep 40. Avoidable Mistakes
Avoidable mistakes pool owners and technicians can easily avoid.
Ep 38. The Affects Water Features Have on Pools
How water features affect how you manage your pool.
Ep 37. How Efficient is Your Pool Pump?
Frank and Jac discuss saving money with more energy efficient pumps and operating your pool more efficiently.
Ep 36. Quick Dip #1: pH Effect on Chlorine
This is the first section of a new series. Take a quick dip for a few minutes and soak up some knowledge.
Ep 35. Hot Tubbin’ with Heritage
Join me for a great conversation with Thomas Flake, Territory Manager of Texas Pool Supplies.
We are talking about everything including: the family culture of Heritage Pool Supply Group, supply chains, regional products and the latest news for the industry.
Ep 33. Circulation 101 & Why Is It So Important?
Frank and Jacque discuss the importance of proper circulation and how to achieve it in your pool. Without proper circulation good pool water chemistry can be rendered almost useless. If you are not circulating your pool properly, and you have areas of the pool where water is not moving, the water chemistry will be different in the different areas of the pool.
Ep 34. Why You Should Use Borates In Your Pool
Frank and Jacque discuss the benefits of borates and how to use them in your pool. Borates has saved us 40% to 50% of the chemical cost to maintain over 400 pools that our business services on a weekly basis. Not only does it save us money, our pools have never looked better. Borates softens the pool water, clarifies the pool water, stabilizes pH, and it is an algaestat.