These are two options you may use that fit in most round skimmers. The Skim Pro and Flowskim skimmer baskets.
44 Second Pool School with Frank – Managing Winter Pump Schedules #16
We get asked a lot in the winter about what to do with pump schedules. You typically do not need to turn the pool over as much, but we still want to turn it over at least one or two times, depending on the pool.
44 Second Pool School with Frank – Managing Chlorine In The Winter #15
Most damage done to pools from bad water chemistry id one during the winter.
Ep 121. Camereye, Drowning Prevention and Pool Monitoring System
Frank conducted an interview with Sai Reddy, the founder of Camereye. Camereye is an intelligent video monitoring system that keeps an eye on your pool area and can distinguish between normal activity and a potentially tragic drowning situation.
Short Video of Electrical Short to a Motor Body – Transferring Voltage Through The Water
@deependfrank on TikTok! Electrical shock in the water! Mitors not properly bonded. Luckily noone was hurt.
Full-Length Interview with David Van Brunt! Click to Watch Video!
Frank and David discuss numerous topics, from basic maintenance to labor shortages and lack of regulations.
Adding Acid To Your Pool
When adding acid to your pool to lower pH or Alkalinity, always dilute the acid in a bucket of water first, stir, and then pour the solution around the pool’s perimeter.
How well do you know your margins? Click to Watch Video!
In this episode, Frank is joined by David Van Brunt. David is well known throughout the pool industry as an educator, expert in the trade, and advocate for elevating our industry over the years.
Save Time and Make More Money with The VacDaddy
The VacDaddy is a true game-changer for any pool tech. Light, ultraportable, and with adjustable flow. See all the features the VacDaddy has to offer.
Pool Not Holding Chemical Levels Video
Frank demonstrates a common issue he sees with pool autofill systems in this quick video. If a pool will not maintain a stabilizer level, calcium hardness, salt, and chlorine levels, that is a very good indicator that the pool is losing water.