Frank and Jacque discuss many of the weather issues they have been facing with all of the severe weather this spring. High water level damage in equipment areas, wash-in into pools, stain treatment and prevention after flooding.
Ep 126. How Much Chlorine, Borates, And Metal Stain Removal and Prevention
Frank is solo and discusses some issues brought up in FB groups and listener questions. He dives deep into how much chlorine you should keep in your pool, the benefits of borates, and metal issues and how to prevent them.
Ep 125. How Long to Run Your Pump and Filter Safety
Frank and Jacque discuss the logic in filter pump run schedules and some safety warnings about filters.
Ep 124. Poolside Tech, Drainage Issues, and Borates
Frank and Jacque discuss the advantages of the Poolside Tech control systems he’s been installing, drainage issue many clients are having, and the benefits of borates.
Ep 123. Eliminating Metals and Cloudiness Issues
Frank discusses metal issues and how to eliminate them, water cloudiness and its causes, and a few other things that he encountered this week.
Ep 122. Teach Your Child To Swim. Safe Splash Swim Schools
Frank interviews Vincent Gerstel of Safe Splash Swim Schools They discuss swim safety programs to help prevent child drowning.
Ep 121. Camereye, Drowning Prevention and Pool Monitoring System
Frank conducted an interview with Sai Reddy, the founder of Camereye. Camereye is an intelligent video monitoring system that keeps an eye on your pool area and can distinguish between normal activity and a potentially tragic drowning situation.
Ep 120. Electrical Shock, Minerals, Filter Pressure, and Chloramines
Frank and Jacque discuss a dangerous electrical situation they found this week. Then, they discuss mineral purification systems, metal issues, filter pressures, and chloramines. You can see the video of the electrical issue on our TikTok or Facebook page. search @deependfrank.
Short Video of Electrical Short to a Motor Body – Transferring Voltage Through The Water
@deependfrank on TikTok! Electrical shock in the water! Mitors not properly bonded. Luckily noone was hurt.
Ep 119. Pool Safety and Drowning Prevention
Frank and Jacque discuss pool chemical safety and things pool owners and parents can do to reduce drowning risks.