Frank and Jacque answer listener questions—great questions from great listeners. They discuss how to remove large amounts of leaves from a pool, how to remove stains from pool plaster, and how to turn a green pool blue.
Ep 56. Listener Questions, New Year, New You, Same Pool
Starting the year with listener questions. Coping replacement, pool leaks, LED lighting, and plaster versus paint.
Ep 55. Take Better Care of Your Pool. New Year’s Resolution: Be more efficient, Save Money, and Have a Better Pool
The New Year’s Resolution is to take better care of your pool. Frank and Jacque discuss several things you can do to save money and have a better-working, more usable pool.
Ep 54. The Attendant, Polaris Alpha IQ+, and PAL Lighting
Christmas Eve special. Frank and Jacque discuss 3 amazing products that are obviously made with elfin magic. The Attendant by Poolside Tech, the Polaris Alpha IQ+ robotic cleaner, and PAL pool lighting.
Ep 24. Special Guest: John O’Brien – CEO Poolwerx
Frank sits down for a candid talk with John O’Brien CEO Poolwerx about the direction of the pool industry and franchising.
Ep 53. How to Reduce Your Chlorine Consumption
News of chlorine prices and availability possibly continue to be a problem. Our best option is to find ways to reduce the amount of chlorine we have to use.
Ep 14. Water Chemistry: Part 2
Chlorine and how water balance affects it.
Ep 51. The 12 Tips Of Pool Care & Christmas Fun Carol
Frank and Jacque discuss the 12 tips of pool care that we shared in our podcast, and Jacque sings them to the 12 days of Christmas.
Ep 50. Naughty or Nice Swimming Pool
Is your pool naughty and causes you many problems with algae and circulation, or is it difficult to keep clean and clear? Or is your pool well maintained, and you want to know what upgrades will make your pool even better?
Ep 49. Thanksgiving Episode
Frank and Jacque discuss their views on the state of the pool industry and what they are thankful for in the industry, their business, and their families.