How does algae get into a swimming pool? Why is my pool green? Why do I get algae? What is algae and how do I kill it? How to service a pool. Pool maintenance. How to maintain a pool.
44 Second Pool School with Frank – How To Manage Chlorine In The Winter #15
We still need to dose chlorine into our pools in the winter. The water is cold, and algae is much less active, but not dead.
44 Second Pool School with Frank – Why do I still have to manage water chemistry in the winter? #26
The most damage I see done to pools, from poor water chemistry, is done during the winter. You still have to manage your water chemistry when the water is cold.
44 Second Pool School with Frank – Why Heating Cold Water Damages Your Gas Heater. #27
Heating your pool just enough to keep it from freezing is very hard on a gas heater. When water temperatures are below 68 degrees, the exhaust condensates terribly.
44 Second Pool School with Frank – How To Manage Water Levels During A Freeze Event #17
Every year I see damage done to pool plumbing and equipment due to the water level in the pool getting too low during a hard freeze.
Betta Pool Skimmer – No More Skimming Your Pool! Click to Watch Video!
These are extremely popular right now and would be a great gift. We are selling them in our Poolwerx retail stores in North Richland Hills, Roanoke, and Lantana, and we have a coupon code for online purchases.
Ep 154. Gifts For the Pool Owner
Frank and Jacque discuss some good pool gifts for the pool owner in your life. Links on page!
44 Second Pool School with Frank – Better Skimmer Baskets – What Speed Should You Run a VS Pump For Freeze Protection #1
Every system is different and can require more or less flow to adequately provide freeze protection in cold weather.
44 Second Pool School with Frank – Better Skimmer Baskets – Solutions For Leaves Clogging Skimmers #4
Leaves can quickly overwhelm some pools. Skimmers clog up causing skimmer basket damage and possibly damaging the pump due to loss of flow.
44 Second Pool School with Frank – Better Skimmer Baskets – How to Deal With Ice On My Pool #3
Occasionally in the south we have to deal with hard freezes, and may have to contend with ice developing on the surface of the pool.