Ways to Reduce Chlorine Usage and Maintenance for Your Pool  

As an experienced professional in the pool industry, I’ve created a list of tips for pool owners and maintenance technicians to save money and make maintenance easier. Over 30% of pool chemicals are wasted due to incorrect usage and bad dosing. You can also reduce chemical usage by 20% to 25% with minor changes such as enhancing pool circulation and maintenance practices. Along with regular maintenance, various products, equipment, and chemicals can improve the swimming pool experience while reducing chemical usage.

Here are my recommendations to make pool maintenance easier and more efficient:

  1. PROPER CIRCULATION AND TURNOVER: To ensure proper water circulation and turnover in your pool, it is important to have a consistent flow in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. Any areas of stagnant water should be eliminated to avoid the growth of bacteria and algae. The returns should be adjusted slightly downward to avoid excessive surface disturbance. To keep your pool clean, a pool filtration system should run for an adequate amount of time each day. In the North Texas area, we recommend a minimum of 2 turnovers per day due to the challenging environment.
  2. PERFORM PROPER FILTER MAINTENANCE: A filter that is not operating properly will greatly impact the chemical demands of a pool and water quality.
  3. USE BORATES: Borates are the most beneficial product I have ever used in swimming pools, and I highly recommend it for every pool.
  4. PROPER TESTING AND PROPER DOSING: Companies invest years of research and millions of dollars into their products. Following testing and dosing instructions is crucial.
  5. ADEQUATE BRUSHING AND REMOVING DIRT AND DEBRIS: Dirt and debris in the water provide nutrients that support algae growth.
  6. OTHER CHEMICAL PRODUCTS THAT HELP REDUCE CHLORINE DEMAND: BlueRay XL is the best mineral purification product on the market. Difficult-to-manage pools benefit greatly from it. Phosphate removers can be beneficial in reducing algae growth. Enzymes and clarifiers help remove organics to reduce the load on chlorine.
  7. THE ADDITION OF WATER SANITIZER EQUIPMENT: Saltwater chlorine generators are popular for generating chlorine in swimming pools. However, in my personal experience, they can come with their own set of problems and may not be worth the cost. On the other hand, systems like Ozone, UV, and AOP can help reduce the demand for chlorine in pools without bad side effects. While these systems can be helpful, in my opinion, investing in borates and good pool maintenance is a better use of money.

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Do you have a pool question for Frank? You can email him at [email protected]. He just might read and answer your question on air!