Frank and Jacque discuss black algae and the difficulties it causes with pool maintenance. They also discuss the metal staining issues that can happen from using products to combat algae.
Ep 138. Best Time To Renovate Your Pool, and Order Pool Covers
Frank and Jacque take listener questions and discuss the pros and cons of renovating a pool in the spring, winter, or fall. and when you should order your pool covers.
Ep 137. “Shock” Talk, Summer Heat Damage, and Get Your Covers Now
Frank and Jacque (It is Jacque’s Birthday. Happy birthday Jacque!) discuss the actual meaning of the term “Shock”, summer heat damage on swimming pools, and if you are going to get a winter cover, get it now.
Just Chillin
Running water features do help cool your pool water. The simple explanation is, evaporation is heat loss. Heat energy transfers during the process of transforming liquid into vapor. Water passing through the air and over surfaces increases the rate at which evaporation happens.
Ep 136. Borates, Pump Hydraulics, Hayward Salt System Issues
Frank and Jacque discuss issues Frank has been seeing in the field with Hayward salt systems, pump cavitation, and, once again, the benefits of borates.
Ep 135. Talking Stone Around Your Pool with guest Chris Bowen
Frank and guest Chris Bowen of QDI discuss some of the stones and issues with natural stones around swimming pools.
Ep 134. Pool Water Testing With Wayne Ivusich
Frank and special guest Wayne Ivusich discuss proper water testing for you swimming pools.
Bucket Test? What Is It And What All Can It Tell You?
A “bucket test” is a test designed to compare evaporation in the pool to the evaporation in a bucket or vessel containing water exposed to the same conditions.
Ep 133. Shart Week. How To Treat Fecal and Other Biological Incidents In Your Pool. Guest Rudy Stankowitz
Frank and Rudy Stankowitz (Industry Icon and now horror movie associate producer) discuss the dangers of fecal and other biological contamination incidents in swimming pools, and proper treatment and processes to ensure proper water sanitation.
Ep 132. How The DE Got Into Your Pool and Big Problems With Phosphates
Frank and Jacque talk about how the pools with DE (Diatomaceous Earth) filters get DE into the pool, why phosphates are such a problem now, and how to control them.