Ep 74. Rogue Service Tech, 3 Ways to Fix Your Neglected Green Pool

Frank and Jac discuss how one of their technicians did not treat a group of about 20 pools for one or two weeks. With rain and rising temperatures, this was a recipe for the biggest green-to-clean week since they’ve been in business. And all one week before Memorial Day.

Frank talks about his favorite three methods of turning neglected green pools back to blue and swimmable: his version of the Bob Lowry method, the Orenda method, and the Alum method.

00:00-05:40 introduction

05:40 New tech goes rogue

11:20 How to turn a neglected pool back around

11:40 There Three processes we use: Bob Lowry process, the Orenda process, and the Alum method

12:40 what to do regardless of method. remove debris, start with a clean filter,

13:18 Orenda method. Lower pH to 7.2, chlorine 10 to 15 ppm, purge dose PR10000 (according to label), circulate pool for 10 minutes and pump off for 24 hours. Day 2: vacuum pool to waste. net any remaining debris, if chlorine is 3-8 ppm, phosphates below 500 ppb, turn pump on for 24/7 until clear. Add a purge dose of CV600 enzymes. Adjust LSI, check, and balance over the next few days.

17:19 Bob Lowry method. Balance LSI with pH 7.2 to 7.4, add non-stabilized chlorine to achieve 40% of cya level, maintain levels for 24 hours, and test and brush 2 times per day. If the algae are not gone after the first day, take chlorine to 60% of a cya level. Watch filter pressures and backwash or clean as needed. add a purge dose of enzymes

20:25 Alum method. Adjust pH 7.0 to 7.2, alkalinity 100 to 120, brush well. The water temperature needs to be 70 to 90 degrees. dose 8 to 9 lbs of alum per 10,000 gallons. Remove cartridges from the filter or de-grid assembly from the filter, or if a multiport valve runs in recirculate, do not run alum through the filter. If cannot bypass filter media use sump pump or trash pump to recirculate. recirculate for two hours, turn the system off, and let it sit for up to 24 hours. Then vacuum to waste. removes algae and phosphates, and lowers stabilizer levels

26:15 recap, post-cleaning, and follow-ups. Watch filter pressures and clean or backwash as necessary. Balance LSI, maintain chlorine levels after at 7.5% of stabilizer level if not on borates, 5% if using borates.

You can listen to “The Deep End Pool Podcast” every week at 9:00 AM CST on Saturdays. You can LISTEN LIVE online on TURF’S UP RADIO!

The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities regarding the code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

Do you have a pool question for Frank? You can email him at [email protected]. He just might read and answer your question on air!