Ep 55. Take Better Care of Your Pool. New Year’s Resolution: Be more efficient, Save Money, and Have a Better Pool

The New Year’s Resolution is to take better care of your pool. Frank and Jacque discuss several things you can do to save money and have a better-working, more usable pool.

Pool water testing and pool chemistry are critical in properly maintaining your pool. Properly balanced and sanitized pool water not only makes your pool look better but also makes it easier to manage and saves you money. Overcoming algae or water quality issues costs more in maintenance chemicals than preventing them. And, of course, Frank talks about borates again.

Proper pool circulation and filtration are just as important in managing your swimming pool water quality. Poor circulation or filtration can sometimes be managed or overcome with more pool chemicals, but it is much more expensive. Proper circulation and filtration will save you money and help your pool water quality be the best.

Brushing and removing organic debris will also save you money on pool chemicals and keep your pool more manageable.

Run waterfalls and features once per day for a short period. Don’t run them for several hours a day unless you are present and can enjoy it. This will save you money, reduce evaporation, and help you use less pool chemicals.

Don’t run your automated pressure or suction side cleaner more than necessary. Running them extra only costs you more money in electricity, and it wears the cleaners out faster, which costs you money in pool cleaner parts and repairs.

You can listen to “The Deep End Pool Podcast” every week at 9:00 AM CST on Saturdays. You can LISTEN LIVE online on TURF’S UP RADIO!


The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities regarding the code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

Do you have a pool question for Frank? You can email him at [email protected]. He just might read and answer your question on air!