Shark Filter from Cyclone Video

Water conservation and efficiency in filters are key components for any pool or spa. Check out the newest innovations from our friends at Cyclone.

Ep 113. John Obrien Interview From the 2024 Poolwerx Convention

Frank interviewed John O’Brien, the Founder and Executive Director of Poolwerx. During the discussion, they discussed the highs and lows the swimming pool industry has experienced in recent years. They also delved into the advantages of being part of a franchise system and exit strategies for pool business owners.

Poolside Tech and Their New Screenless Pool Attendant

Do you like the features of the Poolside Tech Attendant but don’t need all of the functionality and options? Looking for a smaller solution for your maintenance and control needs? Check out this quick interview about the new Attendant option.

Ep 93. Part 2: Pool Build I Wish I Would Have Built, Regrets

Continuing with water features from episode 92. Greg brings up how pool owners have regretted not having a separate dedicated pump for the water features on their pool. A separate pump allows you to run the features during spa mode or at any time.