Ep 77. Cloudy Pool, Causes and Solutions

Frank and Jacque discuss what makes some pools cloudy and what some solutions are to clear cloudy pools. Covering four possible causes and some solutions, including water balance, pool chlorine issues, poor circulation, and pool filtration

Ep 74. Rogue Service Tech, 3 Ways to Fix Your Neglected Green Pool

Frank and Jac discuss how one of their technicians did not treat a group of about 20 pools for one or two weeks. With rain and rising temperatures, this was a recipe for the biggest green-to-clean week since they’ve been in business. And all one week before Memorial Day.

Ep 72. Good Water Samples and Filter Safety

Frank and Jacque discuss how to get a good water sample to test how important a good sample is and filter cleaning safety. Frank talks about a customer of his that was killed by his filter.