Ep 121. Camereye, Drowning Prevention and Pool Monitoring System


Frank conducted an interview with Sai Reddy, the founder of Camereye. Camereye is an intelligent video monitoring system that keeps an eye on your pool area and can distinguish between normal activity and a potentially tragic drowning situation. By utilizing artificial intelligence, it accurately recognizes the number of people in the pool area and determines the difference between normal swimming or playing and a drowning emergency. If a drowning emergency is detected, it will quickly alert the people in the pool area, notify the people in the home, send mesaages and alerts via the app, and can even call 911 with accurate information.

The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities and code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

Email us questions and show suggestions at [email protected].

Our sponsors for the 2024 podcast season. poolwerx.com. jandy.com. bluerayxl.com cyclonefiltertools.com. ipssa.com allsafepool.com clearcomfort.com poolmagazine.com. These are all products or organizations that we use and respect in our business.

00:00 Introduction

08:10 Sai Reddy of Camereye.ai

10:55 drowning is the

12:40 National Drowning Prevention Alliance. ABC of drowning prevention. A: adult supervision B: barriers C: Classes, swim lessons and CPR

13:25 Within the active layers of drowning prevention, Camereye detects the potential drowning before and while it is happening.

13:52 smart fence area. Camereye recognizes if the person or being in the area is a child, adult, pet, or wild animal through, shape, size, and movement characteristics

14:25 Distress Detection. identifies the difference between characteristics of normal movement and characteristics of distress within the smart fence area.

17:50Camereye is a safety system that helps prevent drowning incidents. It works by detecting distress in the pool area, and then alerts you through various means. For instance, it can sound a 95 decibel alarm within the pool area and in the home. Additionally, it can send notifications to cell phones via the app. If you choose, Camereye can even notify local 911 authorities through a partnership with a home security company. In the unfortunate event of a drowning, Camereye can send pictures to 911 to help them respond better.

19:00 Camereye can count the people in the pool area, measure bather loads, even extremely large numbers of people in the pool area, and recognize the difference of activity from person to person as long as it has a line of sight.

21:40 Unlike Ring like cameras, Camereye does not have to be activated by a measurable amount of movement. Distance from the camera makes no difference with camereye. Camereye constantly monitors the visible area and measures differences in the view frame by frame and in patterns. Even small changes in the camera view are identified.

24:30 Camereye is the only system to meet type A, B, and C pool alarms. Type ‘A’ and ‘B’ is pool surface and below surface alarm, type ‘C’ is outside pool perimeter.

25:18 Camereye meets UL2017 requirements, for door and window sensing

26:30 can distinguish between pets and wild animals

27:00 can distinguish between large numbers of people and each person’s activity independently.

27:50 can monitor bather loads, water color and clarity changes, and skim detection for surface debris

29:40 Integrating with Jandy, Pentair, Hayward, and other control systems. In the near future, integrate with robotic pool cleaners.

34:00 working with preventative maintenance and automation

You can listen to “The Deep End Pool Podcast” every week at 9:00 AM CST on Saturdays. You can LISTEN LIVE online on TURF’S UP RADIO!


The Deep End Pool Podcast focuses on residential pool maintenance and may not cover commercial pool requirements. Please consult the CDC and local authorities regarding the code requirements for commercial pool maintenance.

Do you have a pool question for Frank? You can email him at [email protected]. He just might read and answer your question on air!